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The Importance of Sharing God's Goodness

Chances are that many of us can recall at least one instance in which we met someone and felt like we should share about Jesus and then chose not to. Do you remember the feeling after that missed opportunity? For some of us that feeling led to guilt or maybe a determination to not let a moment missed go by again.

I can remember a time when I met a girl briefly and had a strong impression to pray for her but I didn’t know anything about her and I was still new to the faith. Who was I to offer prayer to someone else? What if she got angry or thought I was weird? What if she didn’t believe in Jesus and laughed at me? And so I let the moment pass. After sometime, I began to wonder the opposite; what if she needed that encouragement and I failed to give that to her, what if she was waiting to hear about Jesus and the moment was missed? What if that one conversation could have been the catalyst for her to begin a personal relationship with Jesus? For me personally I vowed to not let another moment like that pass again.

Why We Hesitate to Witness

Many of us hesitate to witness due to a myriad of excuses. We feel unworthy, unlearned, unimpressive, we don’t want to offend or we are simply unwilling. These feelings are not unique to us; they echo the experiences of biblical figures like Moses.

Learning from Moses at the Burning Bush

The story of Moses at the burning bush, found in Exodus chapters 3 and 4, is a powerful illustration of the reluctance to witness. Moses, despite being called by God, felt inadequate and unworthy. He questioned his ability to speak to Pharaoh and the Israelites, doubting his own eloquence and fearing rejection.

Overcoming Our Excuses

God's response to Moses' excuses teaches us that our perceived inadequacies are not barriers to fulfilling God's call. When we say we're not enough, God assures us of His presence. When we claim ignorance, God reminds us that sharing our personal experiences of His works is more impactful than theological expertise. And when we feel unimpressive, God shows His power through us, making our testimony compelling.

The Real Issue: Willingness

Ultimately, the core issue is not our worthiness, knowledge, or impressiveness—it's our willingness to step out in faith and share the gospel. Moses' final plea to God to send someone else reveals a reluctance that we too must confront. It was hard to accept that although I felt my excuses were valid in the moment, they were ultimately rooted in a willingness to protect myself instead of being bold in faith. I am so grateful to God though that despite my disobedience in that moment, He gave me another opportunity shortly after and I choose to believe that God is big enough to have had someone else reach the girl that I missed.

Life Application

As we reflect on the message of witnessing, let's challenge ourselves to actively share the love and truth of God with those around us. Here are some questions to ponder:

- Who has God placed in my life that needs to hear about His goodness?

- What personal experiences of God's faithfulness can I share with others?

- How can I move beyond my excuses and step into the role of a witness for Christ?

This week, let's commit to being intentional about witnessing. Pray for opportunities to share your faith and for the courage to speak up. Remember, it's not about our abilities but about God working through us. Let's be the lights in a world searching for hope and truth. Go tell someone about Jesus.

Click on the following link to watch the full sermon on Mistakes Were Made: Failure to Witness

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